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Calm Coffee | Product Review

Hey lovelies,

Last week, I was kindly gifted some coffee products from Calm Drinks in return for an honest written review. I’ve always been a major coffee addict, so when the opportunity arose to try coffee products I snapped it up and couldn’t wait to try them!

When they arrived, I will admit that I was slightly mortified that they contained ingredients that derived from cannabis plants. Naive little me didn’t actually know what CBD oil was and my partner had a right laugh when I freaked out thinking I was going to be doing drugs via a hot beverage!

Luckily, after a bit of research, I found out that CBD oil is actually cannabidiol. One of the compounds in cannabis plants that does not give you a high. However, recently it’s a very common to find CBD in products aimed at easing symptoms of ailments such as chronic pain and anxiety.

Calm Drinks specialise in coffee and chocolate drinks infused with CBD, that claim to help you uplift your energy, focus your mind and relax.

The Calm Coffee brand is 100% vegan using only natural ingredients and flavourings, it’s also good to know that the coffee the use is fair trade certified and they use UK sourced lipsomal CBD to infuse with.

Caffe Latte Oat Milk CBD Cold Brew Coffee

Water, Coffee, CBD, Oat Milk, Maple Syrup, Natural Chocolate, Vanilla and Toffee Flavours, Gum Arabic Powder, Soya Lecithin

In terms of packaging, I actually really like the simple slim, pink can design. The logo is clear and I love that all the important information about the drink is almost bullet pointed with little icons. It makes an interesting read between sips without feeling like you’re reading an essay. I also love that it’s a vegan product – not because I’m vegan, but it makes it available for all and good for those (me) with a dairy intolerance.

This cold can of coffee is made from fairtrade Brazilian coffee, gluten free oat milk, and infused with 10mg of CBD. Calm Drinks have also flavoured it with sweet maple giving it a smooth taste with hints of toffee, vanilla and chocolate.

I will admit, it wasn’t what I expected. You definitely get the sweet hints throughout the drink and I could 100% taste the chocolate and vanilla flavouring. It’s almost got a bit of a twang to it, that’s not to say it’s unpleasant exactly, just not how I expected it to taste. The coffee flavour wasn’t strong enough for me personally, but I can guarantee anyone with a sweet tooth would love this drink.

I didn’t feel hyper or as if I’d had a coffee after this drink like I probably would with a double shot espresso cold brew, but that could be due to less caffeine within the drink. It’s a great cold brew coffee for on the go and perfect for people who prefer a sweeter style of coffee. If I saw this in my local supermarket, I would no doubt pick up a different flavour to try due to the packaging. I really love the fact it’s a calming coffee aimed to reduce anxiety and help you to relax within yourself.

The cold brew coffee cans be brought from the Calm Drinks website at £2.50 for one 250ml can, which is fairly reasonable if you compare to brand rival Starbucks. You also have the option to buy them in various multipacks, saving you money in the long run.

Premium Blend CBD Ground Coffee

Ingredients: Coffee, CBD (nice and simple!)

The Calm Drinks Gourmet ground coffee is made from their signature fairtrade beans and roasted right here in the UK, before being infused with CBD oil. (10mg of CBD per 20g serving.) It is made with the aim to have a soft and balanced taste with hints of fruit and chocolate. Suitable for Cafetieres, Moka Pots and filter coffee.

To get a true review, I replaced my first coffee of the day every day with this, right until the bag ran out. My first try was to stick a spoonful into a mug and pour boiled water over it like you would with instant coffee. Instant regret! You really have to use a cafetière with this one. That or use it with your espresso machine otherwise you don’t get the full benefit.

photo courtesy of @thebeanbelt2019

The coffee is smooth and subtlety sweet, again I could definitely taste the hint of chocolate to this, which I loved! Because you brew this yourself, I found a double shot in the portafilter gave me chance to make it nice and strong. I was also able to use my own milk, I’m not a huge fan of oat milk (the twang isn’t my thang!) which is probably why I wasn’t overly keen with the cold brew can. However, with hazelnut milk it was really nice to drink and I found myself wanting another.

Again, I can’t really say if the infused CBD oil had an effect on my mood or wellbeing, as lots of things effect my overall mood and I’d probably have to replace every coffee I drink to know. But after a lot of research, I trust that CBD is something that is proven to help reduce anxiety and stress, therefore can see that CBD infused coffee may help to do that.

I’d definitely recommend this ground coffee over the cold brew, mostly because you can make it to your liking. Each 200g bag is available for £14.95 on the Calm Drinks website. There’s also the option of buying the same CBD infused signature coffee has whole beans to grind yourself.

Have you tried any Calm Drinks products before? Why not have a look on their website and see what takes your fancy?

In the future, I’d love to try their CBD infused chocolate milk. I might be a coffee addict, but chocolate is my next love!

Thanks for reading ♡

Love Charlie x

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